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Stephen James Thomas Photo

Stephen James Thomas


July 21, 1994
Lake Charles, Louisiana


August 25, 2024
Lampe, MO

Hannah Johnson


Hey Stephen you were truly loved bub we all miss you but God had other plans for you know we all miss you but watch over your sweet family they miss you dearly and we always had a great time together in deer woods it was always fun your truly missed bub ❤️

Arto Paasonen


Stevo 0 ….🥰 gosh I loved you man We met in Cambodia around 2019 and instantly hit it off … You were awesome 😎 We had so many great adventures and you made me learn about so many country tracks that I would have never know coming from Belgium 😅 You have always been there for me ! You always called me when you have the time ! I can’t believe I talked to you just a couple weeks ago … I am still waiting for you to call to cheer my day up like you always did ❤️💔 I hope you’re in peace brother I’ll never forget you ♥️ I love you man And I’ll see you on the other side ♥️

Jeri Doucette


Steve and Cammie, I am so sorry for your loss and the families ! I know that this is the hardest thing to go through, but by the Grace of God it Does get better! You have a beautiful family, God’s Blessings to you All!!!

Jackie Hebert


Stephen James!!! That is what I vividly remember hearing anytime I was around you. Even though I was older and have more memories with your sisters I still remember how full of life you were. You were fearless! I remember being sure to never ride on the atvs with you driving because I was the opposite, always extra careful. You lived and experienced more in your short life than I will probably ever experience. I know that pawpaw and my dad just love having you with them, and for that I'm a little envious. You are with our Lord and all of our loved ones, continuing to live without fear and full of love and peace. We will be here to help comfort your family and keeping your memory alive until we meet again. Rest in peace and rejoice with all the angels! Love you!

Jean Thomas


We are truly saddened to hear about Stephen. We are blessed we were able to be with each of you to pray and celebrate his life. It was good to see all the pictures and good times that each of you had with Stephen. Cheerish those times because it showed lots of love! What great memories to look and reflect back on (pictures of love). The pain in losing someone so dear will never fully go away. Just know there is the comfort of family and friends. We will continue to pray for ALL of you Cammie & Steve. Just know Tony and my heart aches for each of you. Cammie, Brittany & Ashley when you are feeling down and can’t speak send us messages in our family group text and you know that group is full of LOVE and SUPPORT for one another. We are All here for you! Father GOD, I pray to you, for you are always there, always ready to be found. I thank you for being my hiding place, be that place for this family. Father of all comfort minister to this family, meet every need above and beyond in the heart and mind of each one of them. Lord, let them feel your presence and run to you when the great waves of grief rise and threaten to overcome them. Watch over each member of this family who are grieving. Surround them with songs of deliverance when they feel like they are sinking and in the valley of sorrow and feel like they cannot cope or go on. Counsel them in their darkest hour and let Cammie, Steve, Ashley, Brittany, Christine and the entire family and friends of Stephen James Thomas know that you Father will encircle them with your mercy and loving devotion, if they call upon Your Holy Name! Father, thank you that we are never alone, your presence calms the troubled sea of our lives if we let you in. Your words say that our faith will never be put to shame when our trust is in you. Hear the voices of this family crying out to you help them to find strength and peace in your presence. Restore joy to their soul. Show compassion to them in their time of need Lord and comfort their heart as they mourn their loss loved one. Let them be filled with your Holy Spirit. Fill them with all joy and peace in believing this is not the end. We pray eternal rest be granted unto Stephen James Thomas. We Pray in Jesus name. Amen Luke 18:1 Pray Always and Do Not Lose Heart Revelation 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Love & Prayers Always, Jean & Tony

Lynn Thomas


I pray for all of you that God will give you all the strength through this journey of grief. God, wrap your loving care around all of them and feel them with the hope of eternal life. Stephen, I know you had a loving heart and you were struggling but I know that you are at peace. Death is not the end and we hope to be with all of our loved ones to rejoice in the presence of our Lord. What a joy that will be. Until we meet again. Love you bunches, Aunt Lynn

Katelyn Saltzman


It’s been a weird time, Stephen James. It’s hard to believe you aren’t here anymore. Your crazy, adventurous self will be greatly missed down here. I wish we would have had one last phone call together. Pray for us down here. Love you tons!

Anna O’Bryan


Bub, I know that you’re laughing your ass off up there at all of our sappy little posts about you but here’s another one. Death is such a weird concept. It’s too often associated with the end. Death is not the end. You aren’t here on earth but I see you everywhere. I see you in the mountains in Casper because I know how much you loved them. I see you in my brother and the stupid faces he makes everyday that make him look just like you. I see you in my daughter and her wild child spirit. I know that she would’ve loved you as much as I do. I see you in sunflower fields because they remind me of you going out and bringing back huge bouquets for Maisynne and I. I hear you in all of the music you used to send me. We never had the same taste and I always hated your songs, but now all I hear is you and I can’t bring myself to skip them. I see you everywhere. You are everywhere and everything. Death is not the end and this is not goodbye. We will see you again and Slater will get to meet you someday. We love you Bubbles and we’ll see ya later. 🌻

Ashley O’Bryan


Bub, a little brother fills a space in your heart and life that no one can ever take the place of. It’s been a long, slow week trying to come to terms with the realization that this side of Heaven, I won’t see you again. In those moments that feel too heavy, I like to picture you in Heaven, having hugged the very neck of Jesus, smile so big and pure, not a care or worry in the world, a blonde baby on your arm, and Chico, Maddie, and Maddie by your side; Pure joy and peace. I love you so much Bub. Thirty years wasn’t near long enough but so thankful for every memory together. Thank you for being such a great uncle to my kids, you are so missed 💙🩷💙

Brittany Parker


Bub 💙 my heart will never be the same. I cherish the time I had with you and will forever miss you so much. It doesn’t seem real but my heart is shattered so I know it is. Life goes on and we will make the best of it but I will keep the memories of you and us close in my mind. You were my baby from beginning to end, 30 years old and foot taller than me, my love for you was unconditional (you did your fair share of making me mad) but I know you felt the same way because you often told me you loved me and that warms my heart. I wish things were different but I am so happy and thankful that I had you for as long as I did. Love you always.

Stefania Carbone


Another day without You….. I will miss your every gesture, your voice and above all your splendid smile, how much I loved it!!!! We have always been Accomplices in this life, and every time with You I would have wanted 1000 replicas….you will always be a part of Me🥰 Goodbye Tesoro, surely one day we will meet again ❤️

Abbygail O’Bryan


Love you bubbles, wish we could’ve had longer together ❤️

Hannah Johnson


Cammie I love you can’t imagine what your going through Stephen and I had some good time back in the deer woods we would laugh at each riding the 4wheeler together it was fun but he will be missed for sure sending hugs and love to you and your family

Wendy Wood


I was deeply saddened to hear about Stephen's passing. I have fond memories of him from when he was just four years old in my preschool class. He was always so loving, sweet, and full of energy. His vibrant spirit and warm heart touched everyone around him. Please accept my heartfelt condolences during this difficult time.

Bobbie Thomas


Today we honored the life of our Bub. He lived life fast and it ended too soon. He believed in his Savior & shared his faith with me. His smile, his hug and the way he often said “I love you mawmaw” will always be my best memories of him until we are together again. I love you Bub. . I love you Steve & Cam!!❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻

Rebecca (Becky) Babineaux Leopard


Cammie, I cannot even imagine the pain and sorrow you, and Steve are going through losing a child. I'm praying for you and your family. I love you, Becky.

Tucker Fross


Hey Stevo. I hope ivsee you again someday I will never forget you I hope you have dun in heaven fly high. I love you

Diane Duve


Stephen, I am so sad. Know that I love you dearly, and this is not a final goodbye. Rest easy Bub. I’ll forever remember your beautiful smile. Aunt Diane

Jackie Hebert


We love each of you and are praying for peace and comfort!

Cammie Babineaux


Our baby! Our pride and joy! For this child we prayed and God answered it! Blonde hair and blue eyes just like his daddy! You lived hard! You loved harder! There will not be a day, an hour, that you are not on our mind. It’s only been 5 days and we can’t describe in words what it’s like trying to imagine moving forward in life without you here. Our lives shattered when you left!!! You were such a big part of our lives and the hole in our hearts you left behind no one can fill! You were loved unconditionally, without measure, without question, no matter what! You were valued, loved and cherished by your family! We love you, son! This isn’t goodbye but only I’ll see you later! Love, Mom & Dad