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Milena DeDobbelaere Photo

Milena DeDobbelaere


June 24, 1982
Waukegan, IL


December 26, 2024
Libertyville, IL


35240 W Grant Ave, Lindenhurst, IL 60046, USA

Milena (nee Racic) DeDobbelaere, 42, peacefully passed away on Thursday, Dec. 26, 2024, in her childhood home in Libertyville surrounded by her family after a courageous battle with cancer. She was born June 24,1982, in Waukegan, living in Grayslake for the past 11 years with her family. Milena worked as an Accountant for Sidley Austin Law Firm in Chicago for 24 years. You rarely saw her without a smile on her face, a camera in her hand, and a laugh that was so infectious you couldn't help but join in. She spent most of her free time in the last 10 years photographing her sons' and nephews’ sporting events while being their biggest cheerleader. Her freedom in life, in emotion, and choice was her most enduring trait. She was the bravest of us Racic sisters - the toughest, the most courageous, especially with extreme roller coasters, the most compassionate and endearing animal lover.

She was the first one to get married, the first to have kids - the best boy mom anyone could imagine. When life threw its hardest challenge her way, she fought like a lioness, with strength and grace. She left us too soon, but her love, her courage and her spirit will stay with us forever. She will be missed dearly, and we cherish every moment we were lucky enough to share with her. Triple "M" for life!.

Milena was a loving Wife, Mother, Aunt, Daughter, Sister, and Cousin. She is survived by her husband of 16 years, Aaron DeDobbelaere; 2 children, Vladimir (11) and Nikola (10); her parents, Milovan and Zorica Racic (Culafic), two sisters and their families, Mirjana (John) Racic with Jovan Peterson (6) and Maria (Dejan) Kotur with Filip (10), Anastasija (6), and Kristina (2). Also, loved by countless friends, family, in-laws and kumovi from all over the world.

[In Serbian]

Milena (rodena Racic) DeDobbelaere, 42, mirno je preminula u cetvrtak, 26. decembra 2024, godine u svom domu iz detinjstva okružena porodicom nakon hrabre borbe sa rakom. Rodena je 24. juna 1982, godine u Vaukeganu, živeci u Grejslejku poslednjih 11 godina sa svojom porodicom. Milena je radila kao racunovoda za advokatsku kancelariju Sidlei Austin u Cikagu, punih 24 godine. Retko ste je videli bez osmeha na licu, kamere u ruci i smeha koji je bio toliko zarazan da niste mogli da se ne pridružite. Vecinu svog slobodnog vremena provela je u poslednjih 10 godina fotografišuci sportske dogadaje svojih sinova i necaka, dok je bila njihova najveca navijacica. Njena sloboda u životu, u emocijama i izboru bila je njena najtrajnija osobina. Bila je najhrabrija od nas sestara Racic - najcvršca, najhrabrija, posebno sa ekstremnim toboganima.

Ona je bila prva koja se udala, prva koja je imala decu - najbolji decak mama koju je neko mogao zamisliti. Kada je život bacio svoj najteži izazov, na njen nacin, borila se kao lavica, sa snagom i blagodarnosti. Napustila nas je prerano, ali njena ljubav, njena hrabrost i njen duh ce zauvek ostati sa nama. Jako ce nam nedostajati, a mi cemo negovati svaki trenutak koji smo imali srece da podelimo sa njom. Triple "M" za život!.

Milena je bila voljena supruga, majka, tetka, cerka, sestra i rodaka. Nad njom su ostali suprug od 16 godina, Aaron DeDobbelaere; 2 dece, Vladimir (11) i Nikola (10); njeni roditelji, Milovan i Zorica Racic (Culafic), dve sestre i njihove porodice, Mirjana (John) Racic sa Jovanom Petersonom (6) i Marija (Dejan) Kotur sa Filipom (10), Anastasija (6) i Kristina (2). Takode, voljena od strane bezbroj prijatelja, porodica i kumovi širom sveta.