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Max TheBestestBoy Photo

Max TheBestestBoy


August 31, 2010
Floradale Ontario Canada


January 20, 2023
At home, the bottom of the stairs

The bestest boy

Max came into our lives on December 3 2010.
He was a special delivery, brought to us by the mailman, from the North Pole.
Our lives were forever changed.
He was the best friend and playmate of Mitchell and Jake.
Max was easy to train and eager to learn all the tricks. His favourite trick, helping to bring in your bags… specifically, Dad’s lunch bag every day after work.
He loved to spend time outside in the garden with Mom… protecting her from any squirrel that dared to enter the backyard.
Max loved to be wherever you were, but his most loved spot, was his step on the staircase. This is how he could the world out the front window.
He moved for no one, and often enjoyed many a nap there… often snoring.